Apple Music available in 52 more countries

Apple Music available in 52 more countries

Apple Music is now available in 52 more countries together with the App Store, Apple Arcade, Apple Podcasts and iCloud which has been rolled out in 20 more countries. Apple Music is now available in 167 countries and regions and offers over 60 million songs. The streaming service contains thousands of playlists and daily selections, and the global radio station Beats 1. New Apple Music subscribers in the 52 additional countries can enjoy a six-month […]


Plex releases two new apps

Plex releases two new apps, Plexamp – a rewrite of its media server and Plex Dash – a server administration tool to control your various devices. Plex created Plex Labs just over two years ago to develop new apps and create integrations to 3rd party apps which can build on the Plex platform. Plexamp version 3.0 is a complete rewrite of its media server and is available on five platforms – iOS, Android, Windows, macOS […]

How to stream Spotify on games consoles

How to stream Spotify on games consoles

Spotify have published a roundup of how to stream Spotify on games consoles and how to share music with fellow gamers. Setting up Spotify on your console allows you to stream your own music while playing or pick up on great soundtracks from other video games or Spotify’s Top Gaming Tracks playlist for a mix of current hip-hop and rap. Plus, you can stream music from the console anytime, whether you’re deep in the game […]

Deezer launches podcasts in MENA region

Deezer launches podcasts in MENA region

Deezer launches podcasts in MENA region offering local and international podcasts covering comedy to culture and sports to spirituality in both English and Arabic. Deezer’s new ‘Shows’ tab helps you to access a huge collection of podcasts which is particularly useful now that many of us have more free time on our hands. Deezer’s library includes both local shows and global favourites. You can browse podcasts in over 15 categories which includes topics such as […]

SOURCE: BPI - Catalogue's share by decade in 2018 and 2019

More older tracks were streamed in the UK in 2019

More older tracks were streamed in the UK in 2019 and made up 60.3% of the total according to statistics compiled by the BPI and shortly to be published in its annual yearbook All About the Music 2020. The analysis looked at what were the top 15,000 most-streamed tracks on audio services in the UK in 2019 i.e. any track played over 1m times or more over the course of the year. Songs released in […]

SOURCE: Counterpoint - Music streaming subscriptions market share 2019

Global streaming grew 32% in 2019

Global streaming grew 32% in 2019 with Spotify, the market leader with 31% of total revenues and Apple Music coming second with 24% according to global research firm, Counterpoint Technology Market Research. Total global subscriptions reach 358 million in 2019 with Spotify continuing to be the market leader with a 23% year on year growth. Factors which contributed to this growth include exclusive podcasts, promotional pricing in emerging markets and bundled offers from telcos. Introductory […]

COVID-19 will stop Spanish music growth in 2020

COVID-19 will stop Spanish music growth in 2020

COVID-19 will stop Spanish music growth in 2020 which saw an increase in revenues of 22.5% according to Promusicae, the Spanish recorded music industry association. The pandemic is forecast to reduce revenues by more than €100 million and the association is calling on the Spanish government to support the industry using ‘fiscal incentives, soft loans and music promotion campaigns to cushion the hard blow that the virus has also dealt to the recording industry’. The […]