SOURCE: RIAA - US Latn Music Revenues (Retail)

Latin music in US grows at twice the rate of overall market

Latin music in US grows at twice the rate of overall market in 2019 according to figures released by the RIAA, the US recording industry association. Revenues from Latin music in the US grew 28% to $554 million, compared with 13% for the overall market. Streaming was the primary growth driver, up 32% and comprising 95% of total Latin music revenues. Paid subscriptions accounted for more than two thirds of the streaming revenue increase. Latin […]

Pandora on Apple Watch screenshots

Pandora creates standalone Apple Watch app

UPDATE: 01/05/2020 – Latest version of the app has added new SIRI features. Siri on Apple Watch Ask Siri to play stations, songs, albums, and podcasts: “Hey Siri, play Thumbprint Radio on Pandora.” Tell Siri you like or dislike the current song: “Hey Siri, I like this song.” ∼ Pandora creates a standalone Apple Watch app which has no requirement to use an iPhone when you want to stream music and podcasts. Previously you could […]

Pandora iOS app screenshots

Pandora redesigns its mobile app

UPDATE: 30/04/2020 – Latest version of the iOS app has added new Shuffle and SIRI features. Edit Shuffle Stations feature Available for Premium listeners Select which stations you want to play on shuffle Siri on iOS Ask Siri to add music to your collection or for a specific playlist: “Hey Siri, add Hotel California to my collection on Pandora.” (Premium listeners only) Tell Siri you like or dislike the current song. Even more personalized discovery […]

SiriusXM Premier free offer extended to 31st May

SiriusXM Premier free till 31st May

UPDATE: 30/04/2020 – SiriusXM Premier free offer originally planned to last till 15th May in the US and Canada has been extended to the 31st May to support the millions currently staying at home because of the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to a new #StayHome Radio channel featuring happy, feel-good music SiriusXM has 300+ channels of news and information, entertainment, escape, and companionship across ad-free music channels, plus channels of live news, faith-based content, comedy, […]


Spotify subscribers hit 130 million in Q1 2020

Spotify subscribers hit 130 million, a 31% increase year on year, according to its recently released Q1 2020 financial results. Monthly Active Users (MAU) increased 31% to 286 million. But despite a 22% increase in revenue of €1,848 million in the quarter, Spotify reported an operating loss of €17 million. The streamer reported that it now has over 1 million titles on its platform and highlighted the acquisition of Bill Simmons’ The Ringer sports and […]


MOOV launches Hong Kong’s first HiRes streaming service

MOOV launches Hong Kong’s first HiRes streaming service with a 24-bit FLAC mobile app offering studio master quality content. With the introduction of 24-bit music service, MOOV will have the largest 24-bit FLAC lossless Canto-pop library for streaming. With more than 20,000 tracks in its catalogue, MOOV is the best music streaming service for Hong Kong music lovers. The 24-bit music library includes the latest hits from Hong Kong and other regions, bringing together classical […]

8tracks comes back from the dead

8tracks comes back from the dead

8tracks comes back from the dead after having closed its doors at the end of 2019. Launched on 8th August 2008 the streamer initially offered a globally available streaming service which in 2016 was restricted to the US and Canada due to licensing concerns. The streaming service has resumed in the US with a resumption of service in Canada within days. The 8tracks platform and brand are now owned and operated by BackBeat Inc., a […]