Podcast listening in the US hits all time high

Podcast listening in the US hits all time high

Podcast listening in the US hits all time high reaching 6% of all audio listening according to Edison Research in its Share of Ear study. The latest findings show that the share of time Americans age 13+ spend with podcasts as a percentage of all their audio listening has tripled from just 2% in 2014. Tom Webster, Edison Research SVP said, “Podcasting has become the greatest companion medium. Not only can you take it with you while you […]

Spotify launches new daily morning show

Spotify launches new daily morning show

Spotify launches new daily morning show which combines personalised wake-up tunes and the latest news. The Get Up is available in the US every day Monday to Friday at 7am eastern. The show will feature three hosts – Kat Lazo, Speedy Morman, and Xavier “X” Jernigan. Other work by the hosts in their own words Kat – They’re welcome to follow my work on Instagram, and check out my video series, The Kat Call, where I debunk taboos and misconceptions about the Latino community. Speedy […]

Americans increasingly listening on the move

Americans increasingly listening on the move

Americans increasingly listening on the move reflecting the lifting of quarantine restrictions according to recent research from Edison Research. The findings are from their Share of Ear reports based on interviews conducted during October, 2020. Prior to COVID-19 restrictions in Q2 2020, 32% of all audio in in the US was consumed in car. When quarantine restrictions went into place in Q2, erasing many Americans’ commutes and greatly reducing travel in general, in-car listening plummeted by […]

Pandora continues to lose listeners

Pandora continues to lose listeners

Pandora continues to lose listeners with monthly active users (MAU) down 7% from a year ago according to the latest Q3 2020 financial results from parent company SiriusXM. MAUs were 58.6 million in the third quarter, down from 63.1 million in the prior year period. Total ad supported listener hours also declined from 3.12 billion in the period, down from 3.32 billion in the third quarter of 2019. Pandora added 105,000 net new self-pay subscribers […]

YouTube Music is now available on Apple Watch

YouTube Music is now available on Apple Watch

YouTube Music is now available on Apple Watch enabling users to browse music collections, control playback and select casting options directly from their watch. YouTube Music has been playing catchup to match the functionality of the soon to be switched off Google Play Music and to be a serious competitor to the other streamers such as Apple Music and Spotify. YouTube Music Premium users can now browse music collections, control playback and select casting options […]

Spotify launches Weekly Music Charts

Spotify launches Weekly Music Charts

Spotify launches Weekly Music Charts to include Weekly Top 50 and US and Global album and song charts. Listeners have long been able to view the top daily songs on Spotify, but this new weekly offering expands its charts to allow fans and artists alike to better share and enjoy pivotal music moments, as well as get a  definitive snapshot of what music is having the most global impact—from new album releases to new hit singles. […]

YouTube Music improves TV experience

YouTube Music improves TV experience

YouTube Music improves TV experience having recently launched several new YouTube Music integrations for listening wherever you are (smart displays, Google Maps and Waze, Google Home and Nest speakers). The initial launch of YouTube Music in the YouTube app on TVs was in July 2019 and this represents the first major upgrade to YouTube Music for listeners using their TV. New features include: Music Library – Easily access your saved playlists and liked songs in […]