Most podcast listening is at home

Most podcast listening is at home

Most podcast listening is at home with 67% of total daily podcast consumption in the US according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. Using their Share of Ear survey that measures the full audio space it shows how much music the average American listens to in a typical day using a nationally representative sample of those aged 13+ surveyed in Q4 2024. Besides the reality that people spend by far the most amount of their time […]

Americans still listen to music on the radio

Americans still listen to music on the radio

Americans still listen to music on the radio for 32% of their music listening time according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. Using their Share of Ear survey that measures the full audio space it shows how much music the average American listens to in a typical day using a nationally representative sample of those aged 13+ surveyed in Q3 2024. The survey shows that listeners in the US spend 74% of their average daily audio time listening […]

29% of US motorists listen to audio on their phones

29% of US motorists listen to audio on their phones

29% of US motorists listen to audio on their phones according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. Using their Share of Ear survey that measures the full audio space and how much the audio average American consumes in a typical day using a nationally representative sample of those aged 13+. In 2014, only 15% of in-car audio users listened on their phones in the car. Today that number has nearly doubled, and now 29% of the US population […]

Podcast listening by US Latinos is booming

Podcast listening by US Latinos is booming

Podcast listening by US Latinos is booming with over a third more time spent than the non-Latino population according to a recent report by Edison Research. According to their Share of Ear research, persons 13 or older who identify as Hispanic or Latino spend an average of nearly five hours listening to audio each day, while the non-Latino population consumes 3 hours and 55 minutes — more than a one-hour difference. In 2014, podcasting was just […]

Americans still listen to AM/FM radio

Americans still listen to AM/FM radio

Americans still listen to AM/FM radio for 36% of their daily audio time according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. Using their Share of Ear survey that measures the full audio space and how much the audio average American consumes in a typical day using a nationally representative sample of those aged 13+. The chart above shows the Q4 2023 data for the Share of Ear Audio Dial, which shows the percentage of daily listening that […]

YouTube gets the most US listeners in the evening

YouTube gets the most US listeners in the evening

YouTube gets the most US listeners in the evening whilst midday is the peak time for podcast listening according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. They show which dayparts have the most minutes of listening from each audio platform. In broadcast programming, dayparting is the practice of dividing the broadcast day into several parts, in which a different type of radio programming or television show appropriate for that time period is aired. Edison Research’s Share of Ear dataset collects listening data of US consumers […]

Fifth of young Americans stream radio

Fifth of young Americans stream radio

Fifth of young Americans stream radio rather than listen on traditional radio sets according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. Using their Share of Ear survey that measures the full audio space and how much the audio average American consumes in a typical day using a nationally representative sample of those aged 13+. Since 2015, the total portion of radio listening time that comes from streams has more than doubled, from 6% to 13% among those […]