Streaming in Austria up 22.5% in 2022

Streaming in Austria up 22.5% in 2022

Streaming in Austria up 22.5% in 2022 with a record 14.8 Bn songs streamed with sales reaching €143.8 million according to IFPI Austria. Total sales revenue for the year for all recorded music formats was up 13% on 2021 reaching €215.2. Vinyl sales continued to grow – up 4.3% year on year with a turnover of €10.6 million with CD and downloads continuing to decline with -17% and -18% respectively. Music fans in Austria spent […]

No German language titles in Top 100 Radio plays in 2022

No German language titles in Top 100 Radio plays in 2022

There were no German language titles in Top 100 Radio play charts in 2022 according to the BVMI in a recent blog post. The result of this is that various section of both the music industry and the general public are likely to demand cultural mandates as part of the debate about the future of public broadcasting. People in Germany listened to a lot of music via streaming services last year. Recently published figures showed that […]

Local music tops the album charts again in France

Local music tops the album charts again in France

Local music tops the album charts again in France with the Top 10 best selling albums of 2022 being sung in French according to figures released by SNEP, the French music industry association. In an analysis of the top 200 albums of 2022: 17 of the top 20 albums are French productions 154 French productions are ranked in the 200 best sellers of 2022 (77%) 32 first albums rank in the TOP 200 – including […]

Local music in Italy increased in 2022

Local music in Italy increased in 2022

Local music in Italy increased in 2022 from 73% of the Top 100 album charts in 2021 to 83% in 2022 according to FIMI, the Italian recorded music industry association. The Top Ten Albums of 2022 are all Italian for the third year in a row and the Top Ten Singles are all Italian for the second year in a row, a trend that is driven by streaming consumption. By way of comparison, the top […]

Local music tops the album charts in France

Local music tops the album charts in France

Local music tops the album charts in France with 18 of 20 the best selling albums of 2021 being sung in French according to figures released by SNEP, the French music industry association. In an analysis of the top 200 albums of 2021: 18 of the top 20 albums are French productions 165 French productions are ranked in the 200 best sales in 2021 i.e. 83% compared to 80% in 2020 French productions also feature […]


95% of Top 20 albums in France are locally produced

95% of Top 20 albums in France are locally produced for the 3rd year in a row in 2020 and all sung in French according to SNEP, the French music industry association. Despite the unusual circumstances caused by the pandemic, there was a continued appetite for locally produced music with 80% of the Top 200 albums being produced in France (same as 2019). This continues a trend over the past 6 years where 17 to […]