Americans listen to music on mobiles in their home

Americans listen to music on mobiles in their home

Americans listen to music on mobiles in their home for 35% of their daily audio time according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. Using their Share of Ear survey which utilizes a nationally representative sample of those age 13+ the data obtained gives an insight into what types of audio devices Americans currently are using to consume audio at home. When consuming audio at home, those in the US age 13+ spend over one-third […]

Children in UK mainly listen to music on their phone

Children in UK mainly listen to music on their phone

Children in UK mainly listen to music on their phone and typically through platforms like Spotify and YouTube according to a study by YouGov. The study of 8 to 15-year-old children showed that most listen to music (84%), and on average they spend eight hours and 22 minutes doing so per week. Most commonly children listen to music on their phone (63%), on the radio (36%) or on a tablet (29%). Physical formats are much […]


Album listening declines in Germany

Album listening declines in Germany with 45% listening to fewer albums than five years ago according to a recent survey by Deezer. The survey in January 2020 of 8,000 adults from respondents in the US, Germany, France and Brazil included 2000 from Germany. The streamer has released further information about listening in Germany: 9% of music listening time is used for albums Almost a third of the time (31%) is spent on various playlists Individual […]

Half of UK employees listen to music at work

Half of UK employees listen to music at work

Half of UK employees listen to music at work according to a recent survey conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by UK Classical Music radio station, Scala Radio. The poll of 2000 employed Brits showed that more than a quarter of us use music to block out fellow employee’s noise, while in contrast a tenth listen to avoid silence if their colleagues aren’t in. With an estimated 32.75 million UK workers currently in employment (Office for […]