Spanish Flag

Music listening is above average in Spain

Music listening is above average in Spain with Spaniards listening to 20 hours of music a week, two more than the world average. Half of the Spanish population declares themselves to be a ‘fan’ of music and mostly listens to it on streaming platforms according to an analysis of data from IFPI’s Music Listening Report 2019 by Promusicae, the Spanish recorded music industry association. The complete IFPI report can be downloaded in either English or […]

BPI analysis of the IFPI's Music Listening Report 2019

UK music consumption driven by young streamers

UK music consumption driven by young streamers according to an analysis of data in IFPI’s Music Listening Report 2019 by the BPI, the UK record labels association. The BPI reports that ‘the UK’s love of music is being deepened by the growth in streaming combined with continuing access to music on physical format.’ Data from IFPI’s 2019 “Music Listening Report” shows that the UK is a nation of music lovers, with 57% of UK respondents […]

IFPI Music Listening 2019

Global engagement with music listening increasing

Global engagement with music listening increasing according to a new report from IFPI, the organisation that represents the recorded music industry worldwide. The Music Listening 2019 report has been published in previous years under its former title IFPI Music Consumer Insight Report. It examines the ways in which music consumers aged 16 – 64 engage with recorded music across 21 countries. Report highlights Music listening is up. Respondents typically spend 18 hours per week listening […]

1 in 5 Brits listen to pirated music

Music piracy collapses in Italy

Music piracy collapses in Italy with a 35% reduction in one year according to the latest data collected by the company Similarweb for IFPI and FIMI. The figures show a sharp decline in piracy in Italy with digital counterfeiting and the illegal distribution of online music via web and mobile dropping by 35% in the year from March 2018 and by over 50% compared to March 2017. In the first three months of 2019 the […]

1 in 5 Brits listen to pirated music

Convert2MP3 stream ripper closed down

Convert2MP3 stream ripper closed down following action coordinated by IFPI and BVMI on behalf of their member record companies. The Germany-based site which had 684 million visits over the past 12 months and was one of the world’s most-used stream ripping sites has agreed to shut down, surrender its domains and not infringe the rights of record companies in the future. After legal action was brought in Germany against Convert2MP3 for large-scale and sustained violation […]

Manipulating numbers

IFPI joins music industry coalition to tackle stream manipulation

IFPI joins music industry coalition to tackle stream manipulation and endorses the Anti-stream manipulation code of best practice. IFPI has joined a broad coalition of major and independent labels, publishers and artist organisations in signing up to an industry ‘code of best practice’ which aims to detect and prevent stream manipulation as well as mitigate its effects in the marketplace. The code outlines guidelines for stopping inauthentic plays on streaming services that are designed to […]

Indian flag

India’s recorded music industry grows by a quarter in 2018

India’s recorded music industry grows by a quarter in 2018 making it the 15th largest music market in the world, according to IFPI figures released by IMI (The Indian Music Industry). The global recorded music market grew by 9.7% in 2018, the fourth consecutive year of growth, according to IFPI, the organization that represents the recorded music industry worldwide. Figures released in IFPI’s Global Music Report 2019 show total revenues for 2018 were US$19.1 billion […]