80 million Americans listen to podcasts weekly

80 million Americans listen to podcasts weekly

80 million Americans listen to podcasts weekly, a 17% increase over 2020 reaching 28% of the US 12+ population according to the Infinite Dial 2021. The Infinite Dial is produced by Edison Research and is America’s longest-running survey of digital media consumer behaviour in the US, published annually since 1998. It provides survey data on a number of important media channels, including streaming audio, podcasting, and social media from a representative sample of the US population aged 12 and over. The overall […]

Listening on mobile devices set to surpass traditional radio in US

Listening on mobile devices set to surpass traditional radio in US

Listening on mobile devices set to surpass traditional radio in US according to recent research from Edison Research. The findings are from their Share of Ear reports based on a nationally representative study of Americans aged 13 and older and their listening habits over a 24 hour period. Listening on a mobile device now accounts for 30% of all time spent listening to audio – an increase of 67% since 2014.Listening on a mobile device has been growing […]

Top 50 US podcasts of 2020

Top 50 US podcasts of 2020

Top 50 US podcasts of 2020 chart according to the Podcast Consumer Tracker has been published by Edison Research. The Podcast Consumer Tracker is the only podcast measurement service that measures the relative audience size and demographics of all podcast networks. The Edison Research Top 50 Most Listened to US Podcasts of 2020 list is derived from data collected continuously throughout 2020 from surveying weekly podcast consumers ages 18 and older. The top ten shows […]

Podcast listening in the US hits all time high

Podcast listening in the US hits all time high

Podcast listening in the US hits all time high reaching 6% of all audio listening according to Edison Research in its Share of Ear study. The latest findings show that the share of time Americans age 13+ spend with podcasts as a percentage of all their audio listening has tripled from just 2% in 2014. Tom Webster, Edison Research SVP said, “Podcasting has become the greatest companion medium. Not only can you take it with you while you […]

Americans increasingly listening on the move

Americans increasingly listening on the move

Americans increasingly listening on the move reflecting the lifting of quarantine restrictions according to recent research from Edison Research. The findings are from their Share of Ear reports based on interviews conducted during October, 2020. Prior to COVID-19 restrictions in Q2 2020, 32% of all audio in in the US was consumed in car. When quarantine restrictions went into place in Q2, erasing many Americans’ commutes and greatly reducing travel in general, in-car listening plummeted by […]

Spoken word audio share in the US up 30% since 2014

Spoken word audio share in the US up 30% since 2014

Spoken word audio share in the US up 30% since 2014 and 8% in the last year, with the highest levels of growth coming from women, African-Americans, Latinos and 13-34-year-olds. These findings are part of the second annual Spoken Word Audio Report from NPR and Edison Research based on 1000 online interviews of a representative sample of 18+ US spoken word consumers and 4318 Share of Ear respondents aged 13+. Additionally, in-person interviews were conducted with individuals who […]

The Joe Rogan Experience is No 1 podcast in US

The Joe Rogan Experience is No 1 podcast in US

The Joe Rogan Experience is No 1 podcast in US according to a recent survey by Edison Research. The Podcast Consumer Tracker (PCT) Q2 2020 Top 30 is based on 8,080 online interviews with a nationally representative sample of weekly podcast consumers in the US, aged 18 and older. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish between 24th June and 7th July 2020. The PCT is a comprehensive study of the reach of podcast networks and […]