IDAGIO launches free classical music service

IDAGIO launches free classical music service

IDAGIO launches free classical music service which has worldwide availability at a maximum of 192 kbps AAC and MP3 depending on platform. IDAGIO is available both on the web ( and as a mobile app for iOS and Android devices. IDAGIO Free listeners can play their favourite classical music through speakers and external devices via Airplay and Bluetooth. IDAGIO Free users can browse and listen to IDAGIO’s complete collection using Radio mode, meaning you can […]

Concertino - classical music front-end for Apple Music

Classical music front-end for Apple Music

Concertino is an open source classical music front-end for Apple Music. It uses Open Opus data and combines it with automated analysis of the Apple Music’s own metadata in order to create an adequate user experience for classical music. It relies on crowdsourced curation as well for additional verification and refinement. Concertino is web-based with an iOS app in development and is free to use. It can be found here. The app is fairly straightforward […]

IDAGIO app on Apple Watch

Listen to classical music on the Apple Watch

Listen to classical music on the Apple Watch with the launch of a free app enabling users easy one-click access to IDAGIO’s extensive specialist classical music catalogue. The app gives every user the ability to listen to classical music for free, offering remote streaming on the go, with no login or sign in required. The IDAGIO Apple Watch app is designed to simplify music selection by matching sets of playlists with moods and offering curated […]

Primephonic Logo

Primephonic classical streaming goes global

Primephonic classical streaming goes global and from August 2019 is now available in 154 countries after its launch in August last year to the US, UK and Netherlands. Primephonic are expecting to add China, Japan and Russia – ‘soon’. In addition to its worldwide availability the classical music streamer has upgraded its iOS app (v2.11.0),its Android app (v2.12.1) and its web player to add the following features: Chromecast support to connect your TV or HiFi […]

IDAGIO and Burmester partnership

IDAGIO partners with Burmester Audiosystems

IDAGIO partners with Burmester Audiosystems integrating their CD Quality lossless FLAC streaming into Burmester’s networked audio systems. The integration gives users access to the complete IDAGIO catalogue, including the ability to search works and recordings through the app’s rich metadata, browse expert-curated playlists and recommendations on IDAGIO, and play their favourite tracks in lossless audio quality through their Burmester systems. Burmester has been manufacturing high-end audio components since 1977 and users will be able to […]

Relaxing with music

63% of classical music fans listen to relax

63% of classical music fans listen to relax according to a recently published study by IDAGIO on the listening habits of classical music fans. The study The Classical Music Market – Streaming’s Next Genre? was sponsored by IDAGIO and conducted by MIDiA a media analysis and insights provider focused on the intersection of technology and content. The research was carried out via an online consumer survey of 8,000 adult music listeners across eight major markets […]


2019 State of Music Streaming report

Primephonic have published the 2019 State of Music Streaming report which is an online study into the streaming experiences of users. Conducted by YouGov and sponsored by the classical music streamer they have published a summary of their findings in a recent blog posting. The survey asked US adults who had streamed music in the past six months about their experiences and found that 60% of music streamers were frustrated by their streaming experience. The […]