1 in 5 Brits listen to pirated music

Convert2MP3 stream ripper closed down

Convert2MP3 stream ripper closed down following action coordinated by IFPI and BVMI on behalf of their member record companies. The Germany-based site which had 684 million visits over the past 12 months and was one of the world’s most-used stream ripping sites has agreed to shut down, surrender its domains and not infringe the rights of record companies in the future. After legal action was brought in Germany against Convert2MP3 for large-scale and sustained violation […]

Pushing money ball

IFPI disputes Google’s YouTube payments

IFPI disputes Google’s YouTube payments saying that its figures show that they are less than half those claimed by Google. In a response to Google’s Anti-Piracy Paper released earlier this month, IFPI Chief Executive, Frances Moore, said: “We welcome Google’s recognition that it and Google’s YouTube need to operate responsibly and properly value creators and their work. However, the figures in Google’s anti-piracy paper don’t match our own. “It is difficult to get any clarity […]

Copyright stealing

Google publish online piracy report

Google publish online piracy report, How Google Fights Piracy, which explains the programmes, policies, and technology Google have put in place to combat piracy online and ensure continued opportunities for creators around the world. In a blog posting to announce the report, Cedric Manara, Head of Copyright at Google, said that: ‘We invest significantly in the technology, tools and resources that prevent copyright infringement on our platforms. We also work with others across the industry […]