Streaming in Italy grew 17.3% in first half of 2023 according to data compiled by GfK and published by FIMI, the Italian recorded music industry association. There were over 35 Bn streams in the first half of 2023, while the physical segment recorded a slight decline, down by 2.7%. Vinyl continues to show growth close to 10%.
Italian music dominates the FIMI/GfK charts, conquering both the best-selling Albums and Singles Top Ten charts in the first half of the year (30th December 2022 – 29th June 2023. Among the Albums (physical + download + premium streaming) in first place there’s Geolier with Il coraggio dei bambini – Atto II, followed by Lazza with Sirio – best seller album of 2022 – and in third position Marco Mengoni with Materia (Prisma). There is only one international title in the Top 20 chart.
In line with the trend started last year, the Singles chart (download + streaming premium) has a podium coming entirely from Sanremo Festival: in fact Cenere di Lazza, which spent 8 weeks at the top of the Top of The Music, stands out in the first position, followed by Due vite by Marco Mengoni and Supereroi by Mr. Rain.
In the Vinyl Top Ten chart honours are equally divided between local and international repertoire, the timeless The Dark Side of The Moon by Pink Floyd is placed at the top in the year of its fiftieth anniversary.
In terms of certifications, the first half of 2023 closed with a total of 544 gold, platinum and multi-platinum titles, of which 95 Albums and 449 Singles: this is the result of the investments and commitment of the labels to help artists reach the maximum creative potential, in an interconnected and increasingly tech-driven global music scene.
The full charts (in Italian) can be found here.