Radio Sing Sing is a French community internet radio station in Saint Malo, Brittany offering a range of streams ranging from MP3, AAC, AAC+, Opus, Ogg and two CD Quality Lossless FLAC streams, one with metadata and one without.
According to the station:
“From its creation in 2001, Sing Sing’s vocation was to introduce new talents through concerts, broadcast live, and that in exceptional places… the Cancalaise beaches, Saint Suliac on the banks of the La Rance or in the heart of a 17th century Fort, the Saint Père fort.
Since May 2005 the red and black marquee of the Sing Sing radio station has offered the capacity of a concert hall for 900 people.
Around these festivals & concerts of support has crystallized a team of 80 to 100 volunteers and local businesses; committed to providing their support by offering the public and artists their vision of the festival; at the same time welcoming, open, warm and ‘professional’ by offering them a friendly and quality atmosphere.”
Website: http://www.sing-sing-bis.org/results.php?kbps=Infinity
Web app: http://www.sing-sing-bis.org/html5_HD.php
FLAC Streaming URLs (with and without metadata): http://stream.sing-sing-bis.org:8000/singsingFlac
AAC Streaming URLs: http://stream.sing-sing-bis.org:8000/singsingaac128
AAC+ Streaming URLs: http://stream.sing-sing-bis.org:8000/singsingaacplus48
MP3 Streaming URLs: http://stream.sing-sing-bis.org:8000/singsing128
Opus Streaming URLs: http://stream.sing-sing-bis.org:8000/singsingopus256
OGG Streaming URL: http://stream.sing-sing-bis.org:8000/singsingogg128
Mobile apps are available – iOS can be downloaded here and on Android here.
To find out more about CD Quality Internet Radio go here.
To get further information on:
How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with free media players go here.
How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with your browser go here.