LinuxRadio.Tools V2301 was a Dutch internet radio station broadcasting a test CD Quality Lossless FLAC stream on both a secure SSL (https://) and an ‘insecure’ (http://) stream. There was a webplayer on its website together with a music request function.
The links do not work and have been kept here for historical interest only.
Website: https://linuxradio.tools/
Webplayer: https://linuxradio.tools/
CD Quality Lossless FLAC (SSL): https://linuxradio.tools:2014/flac
CD Quality Lossless FLAC: http://linuxradio.tools:1994/flac
To find out more about CD Quality Internet Radio go here.
To find out more about HiRes Internet Radio go here.
To get further information on:
How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with free media players go here.
How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with your browser go here.