Intense Radio is specialist dance genre internet radio station broadcasting in CD Quality Lossless FLAC, 192kbps MP3 and 80kpbs AAC+v2 streams.
According to the station:
“Intense Radio started in March 2012 and is based in The Netherlands. We thought it would be great to offer a music format that is different from other internet radio stations.
At the moment there is a crew of 15 enthusiastic dance, trance and house lovers who are a member of the Intense Radio team. The station is growing fast and there are many plans for the future!”
Programme Schedule
06.00 – 20.00 (CET): Just dance! the best nonstop dance from the 90’s till tomorrow’s music (with the news in Dutch every hour).
20.00 – 06.00 (CET): Night Sessions the latest dance tracks, tech house and trance.
Every evening features a different mix by one of their DJs.
The station broadcasts using hosting facilities in the Netherlands and provides a web player, MyRadio Tuner iOS and Android apps and listening links for MP3, AAC+v2 and CD Quality Lossless FLAC streams.
Website: https://www.intenseradio.net/
Web player: https://www.intenseradio.net/
Streaming URLs
192kbps MP3: https://intenseradio.live-streams.nl:18000/live or http://intenseradio.live-streams.nl:8000/live
80kpbs AAC+v2: https://intenseradio.live-streams.nl:18000/low or http://intenseradio.live-streams.nl:8000/low
CD Quality Lossless FLAC: https://secure.live-streams.nl/flac.flac or http://secure.live-streams.nl/flac.flac
MyRadio Tuner: https://www.myradiotuner.com/customStationPreset.php?ID=20829
To find out more about CD Quality Internet Radio go here.
To get further information on How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with your browser go here.