Digital piracy is still an issue in Denmark with 40% of 18-29 year olds illegally streaming or downloading digital content over the past 12 months according to a recent study by the Danish Chamber of Commerce. More than one in ten adult Danes have been illegally downloading or streaming digital content over the past 12 months.
The analysis showed that a third of adult Danes do not disapprove of illegal streaming and downloading digital content online. However, four out of 10 Danes said they wanted help in assessing whether a download or streaming service is legal or illegal.
Key findings of the report
- 12% of Danes have downloaded or streamed illegally within the past year. 41% of 18-29 year olds have downloaded or streamed illegally within the past 12 months. This compares to 28% in 2018 which suggests that the problem is increasing in the youngest age group.
- A third (34%) of Danes have at some point downloaded or streamed illegally within the past 12 months. It is more common amongst Danes to have downloaded illegally than to have streamed illegally.
- Films, and TV series are the most in-demand category when Danes stream and download illegally online. 85% of Danes who have illegally downloaded or streamed content online over the past 12 months have seen movies or video content compared with 81% in 2018.
- A third of Danes do not consider illegal streaming and downloading to be wrong. One in ten Danes think it is perfectly okay to stream or download illegally with a further 20% not having ‘a clear stance on the issue’.
- Danes were found to be less concerned with illegal streaming and downloading than other forms of theft and cheating. 45% of 18-29 year olds considered illegal streaming and downloading to be unacceptable compared to 69% for the whole population.
- 41% of Danes said they wanted more information about legal and illegal sites on the internet.
The full report in Danish can be freely downloaded here.