Classical 90.5 FM is one of three radio stations broadcast both over the air and on internet radio by azpm.org. azpm is a US public broadcaster and a member of both PBS and NPR and is based in Tucson, Arizona. Classical 90.5 FM is as its name suggests dedicated to classical music and broadcasts an HLS encoded CD Quality Lossless FLAC stream using StreamS technology. It also has a 128kbps AAC-LC stream powered by StreamS. Their website has a webplayer which offers both the FLAC and the AAC streams.
The FLAC stream was successfully tested with VLC but foobar would not play the stream. Other media players/network stream devices and browsers may encounter similar problems unless HLS is specifically supported.
The station also broadcasts an AAC-LC stream Jazz stream (Jazz 89.1 HD2) at 128kpbs using StreamS encoding and also its local NPR local radio station – NPR 89.1 at a similar bitrate. Both of these are available online and over the air in the Tucson area.
A full list of frequencies of its radio offerings together with its sister TV station – KUAT-TV – for those that live in its catchment area can be found here.
Classical 90.5 FM
Website: https://radio.azpm.org/classical/
Webplayer: https://radio.azpm.org/classical/
CD Quality Lossless FLAC: https://hls.azpm.org/t-fmp4/FLAC/KUAT_FLAC.m3u8?StreamS-MSE-1.0_uuid=46b1af39-6fdf-4824-9acd-8b2924c29996?StreamS-MSE-1.0_uuid=46b1af39-6fdf-4824-9acd-8b2924c29996
Jazz 89.1 HD2
Webplayer: https://media.azpm.org/master/doc/stream/jazz.html
NPR 89.1Cl
Webplayer: https://media.azpm.org/master/doc/stream/npr.html
To find out more about CD Quality Internet Radio go here.
To find out more about HiRes Internet Radio go here.
To get further information on:
How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with free media players go here.
How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with your browser go here.