Americans listen to music on mobiles in their home

Americans listen to music on mobiles in their home

Americans listen to music on mobiles in their home for 35% of their daily audio time according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. Using their Share of Ear survey which utilizes a nationally representative sample of those age 13+ the data obtained gives an insight into what types of audio devices Americans currently are using to consume audio at home. When consuming audio at home, those in the US age 13+ spend over one-third […]

Local music tops the album charts again in France

Local music tops the album charts again in France

Local music tops the album charts again in France with the Top 10 best selling albums of 2022 being sung in French according to figures released by SNEP, the French music industry association. In an analysis of the top 200 albums of 2022: 17 of the top 20 albums are French productions 154 French productions are ranked in the 200 best sellers of 2022 (77%) 32 first albums rank in the TOP 200 – including […]

Local music in Italy increased in 2022

Local music in Italy increased in 2022

Local music in Italy increased in 2022 from 73% of the Top 100 album charts in 2021 to 83% in 2022 according to FIMI, the Italian recorded music industry association. The Top Ten Albums of 2022 are all Italian for the third year in a row and the Top Ten Singles are all Italian for the second year in a row, a trend that is driven by streaming consumption. By way of comparison, the top […]

SOURCE: BBC - BBC Sounds streams 417 million plays in Q4 2022

BBC Sounds streams 417 million plays in Q4 2022

BBC Sounds streams 417 million plays in Q4 2022 with on-demand plays up 18.2% year on year according to recent figures released by the BBC. On-demand listening of the BBC’s audio content grew between October and December with BBC Sounds achieving a record 197.7 million plays for on-demand radio programmes, podcasts and music mixes. Topping the charts was Newscast, and the BBC’s Football titles, including Football Daily and Match of the Day: Top 10, which […]

Spotify subscribers hit 205 million in Q4 2022

Spotify subscribers hit 205 million in Q4 2022

Spotify subscribers hit 205 million in Q4 2022, a 14% increase year on year, according to its recently released Q4 2022 financial results. Monthly Active Users (MAU) increased 20% to 489 million. Revenue of €3166 million was up 18% year on year in the quarter. The streamer also showed strong growth in its ad-supported revenue of €449 million up 14% from a year before led by Podcasting gains. Despite these impressive growth figures the company continues […]

Spanish streaming increased 16% in 2022

Spanish streaming increased 16% in 2022

Spanish streaming increased 16% in 2022 with 72 Bn streams, up from 62 Bn streams in 2021 according to Promusicae, the Spanish recorded music industry association. Streaming continues to account for 85% of music consumption with paid subscriptions that currently accounting for 55% of the total consumption of audio streaming. These statistics confirm the recent IFPI report published in November 2022 which found that Spaniards listen to more music throughout the day, on average, than […]

Amazon Music to increase subscription plan prices

Amazon Music to increase subscription plan prices

Amazon Music to increase subscription plan prices in both the UK and the US with effect from the 21st February 2023 for both Individual and Student Plans. The Amazon Music Unlimited Individual Plan is changing from £9.99 to £10.99 per month and the Amazon Music Unlimited Student Plan is changing from £4.99 to £5.99 per month. You will begin seeing the new price on your first bill after that date. If you are in a […]