Americans still listen to music on the radio

32% of their music listening time

Americans still listen to music on the radio
Americans still listen to music on the radio

Americans still listen to music on the radio for 32% of their music listening time according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. Using their Share of Ear survey that measures the full audio space it shows how much music the average American listens to in a typical day using a nationally representative sample of those aged 13+ surveyed in Q3 2024.

The survey shows that listeners in the US spend 74% of their average daily audio time listening to music despite the rise in popularity of podcasts and other spoken-word audio sources.

For listeners age 13+ in the US, 32% of their music-listening time is spent with AM/FM radio and radio streams, making radio the source used the most to deliver music content.

Streaming services such as Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Pandora, and YouTube Music follow very closely behind at 28%. YouTube for music and music videos accounts for 18% of daily music listening.

Another 9% is spent with SiriusXM, 9% with Owned Music such as vinyl, CDs, or downloaded digital files, and 3% with Music Channels on TV such as Music Choice or Stingray.

Keep in mind that this data is for listeners age 13+. If we only look at listeners ages 13-64, streaming passes AM/FM by one percentage point, with streaming accounting for 31% of music listening by this demographic, and AM/FM accounting for 30%.

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