Americans listen to music on mobiles in their home for 35% of their daily audio time according to a recent blog post by Edison Research. Using their Share of Ear survey which utilizes a nationally representative sample of those age 13+ the data obtained gives an insight into what types of audio devices Americans currently are using to consume audio at home.
When consuming audio at home, those in the US age 13+ spend over one-third of their daily audio time (35%) listening through a mobile phone. So ‘mobile’ doesn’t have to mean traveling-around-town mobile. It can also mean around-the-house mobile. The next-closest device is AM/FM radio receivers (arguably the original form of mobile audio), which account for 26% of daily at-home audio time.
Americans age 13+ spend 14% of their daily in-home audio time listening on a computer, 13% on some type of TV, and 7% on a smart speaker.
Mobile device usage for audio consumption at home is at the same level for women and men age 13+ (both 35%). Women and men have different at-home listening habits when it comes to radio receivers and computers, though. Women are much more likely than men to consume at-home audio on a radio receiver (30% v. 22%), and men are much more likely than women to consume audio at home on a computer (19% v. 10%).