Qabayan FM is a Filipino radio station in Qatar with a terrestrial transmitter on 94.3FM and an internet presence which includes a CD Quality Lossless FLAC stream and a 192kbps MP3 webplayer stream. According to the station, ‘Qabayan Radio is a vital hub for the Filipino expatriates’ community in Qatar, providing entertainment and engagement for Filipinos and other nationals residing in Qatar. The station’s primary objective is to promote Filipino music and entertainment that is always up-to-date, timely, and relevant, utilizing a blend of western and oriental influences. Kabayan is a term frequently used by Filipino expats to refer endearingly to their fellow countrymen in the Philippines and abroad, further cementing the station’s bond with the Filipino diaspora.’
In addition to a webplayer, the station’s website contains news and information for the expat community, a chat group and links to their social media.
CD Quality Lossless FLAC:
MP3 192kbps:
To find out more about CD Quality Internet Radio go here.
To find out more about HiRes Internet Radio go here.
To get further information on:
How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with free media players go here.
How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with your browser go here.