Hi On Line Radio is a Dutch Internet broadcaster founded in 2011 by Paul Hattink, supported by Hi.Fine – a specialist hi-fi equipment retailer in the Netherlands. There are eight radio stations broadcast by Hi On Line Radio covering most musical tastes in 320 kbps MP3. There is also an experimental CD Quality lossless Flac stream currently broadcasting the Pop channel which can be found here.
Paul Hattink created the radio channels to provide quality radio streams which would showcase the range of high end streaming hi-fi equipment sold by Hi.Fine.
In addition to being able to play the streams using a browser Paul has created apps for iOS, Android and Windows PCs.
In a blog posting on the Hi On Line Radio site, Palu Hattink says, “The app is free. I didn’t build it to become rich. However, it would be nice if I could use it to render my radio station commercial later on. My mission to share my music selection with more listeners is my main priority. And indirectly there may indeed be a commercial effect. For instance, people who use the Hi On Line might find that it sounds better on a hi-fi sound system supplied by me rather than coming from the tiny speakers of an iPhone or Galaxy or Windows 8-10 phone.”

Hi On Line Radio Streaming URLs
Lossless FLAC internet radio stream
Experimental (currently simulcasting the Pop channel) go here.
320 kbps MP3 internet radio stream
To find out more about CD Quality Internet Radio go here. To get further information on How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with your browser go here.