Radio Campus Grenoble 90.8

Student Radio

Radio Campus Grenoble 90.8
Radio Campus Grenoble 90.8

Radio Campus Grenoble 90.8 is a French student radio based in Grenoble with a CD Quality Lossless FLAC stream and a webplayer. ​Their website contains podcasts, programme information and playlists of recently played music.

According to the station their objectives are:

  • Encourage and promote radio and multimedia creation
  • Be a “discovery” radio station: music, culture, cinema, theatre, literature, science, society, etc.
  • Information literacy: providing a different perspective on current events
  • Training: providing skills and experience related to cultural practices, communication and the media, and project management for our multiple interlocutors: volunteers, employees, interns, schoolchildren, etc.
  • Lead a strong associative project in a collective dynamic, anchored in its territory

Radio Campus Grenoble 90.8 is a member of the Radio Campus France network (formerly IASTAR) which brings together more than 25 student associative media outlets located in university towns, on campuses or near students’ living spaces, in contact with listeners. For more information on Radio Campus France go to where there are links to other student radio stations across France.


Web player:

CD Quality Lossless FLAC:


To find out more about CD Quality Internet Radio go here.

To find out more about HiRes Internet Radio go here.

To get further information on:

How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with free media players go here.

How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with your browser go here.

Recent articles of interest

  Radio Audiomastering
  Electric Circus
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