Radio SEGA

SEGA music

Radio SEGA
Radio SEGA

Radio SEGA is an internet radio station broadcasting music and remixes of SEGA games music. It has a CD Quality Lossless FLAC, a 32kpbs and 128kbps Opus, a 96kbps MP3, a 128kbps Vorbis and a 128kbps AAC stream. Their website is a mine of information of all things SEGA gaming with news, playlists, shows and podcasts and a community bulletin board.

According to the station, ‘RadioSEGA is dedicated to playing the best SEGA music and remixes via the Icecast streaming platform, as well as building a friendly community of gamers on our message boards.’


Web player:

CD Quality Lossless FLAC:

AAC 128kbps:

Vorbis 128kbps:

MP3 96kbps:

Opus 128kbps:

Opus 32kbps:


To find out more about CD Quality Internet Radio go here.

To find out more about HiRes Internet Radio go here.

To get further information on:

How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with free media players go here.

How to listen to lossless FLAC internet radio with your browser go here.

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