Instagram to rollout messages with music previews

Instagram to rollout messages with music previews

Instagram is to rollout messages with music previews as part of a package of seven new messaging features announced this week. You can customize your messaging threads by using these new features: Play, pause, and re-play: Enabled by integrations with Apple Music, Amazon Music and Spotify coming soon, you can now share a 30-second preview of that song you just can’t get out of your head, and your friends can listen directly from the chat window. […]

UK National Album Day will return on 15th October

UK National Album Day will return on 15th October

UK National Album Day will return on Saturday 15th October and this year will take as its theme Debut Albums, following themes set in previous years including Women in Music and the 80s. Now in its 5th year, National Album Day aims to shine a light on the art form of the album, celebrating the creativity and artistry that goes into making an album. The Debut Albums theme will look to showcase a broad range […]

Spotify updates its Blend feature

Spotify updates its Blend feature

Spotify updates its Blend feature allowing you to Blend with up to 10 people in a group whether it’s your running club, favourite co-workers, group chat, book club, or chosen family. You will also be able to Blend with some of your favourite artists. Last year, Spotify took group listening a step further and launched Blend, a shared playlist that combines the best of Spotify’s personalization capabilities and collaborative playlist functionality into a single shared playlist, […]

US online audio listening grew in 2021

US online audio listening grew in 2021

US online audio listening grew in 2021 reaching 209 million people according to the Infinite Dial 2022. The Infinite Dial is produced by Edison Research sponsored by Wondery and ART19 and is America’s longest-running survey of digital media consumer behaviour in the US, published annually since 1998. It provides survey data on a number of important media channels, including streaming audio, podcasting, and social media from a representative sample of the US population aged 12 and over. Online audio consumption […]

Global recorded music revenues grew 18.5% In 2021

Global recorded music revenues grew 18.5% In 2021

Global recorded music revenues grew 18.5% in 2021 driven by growth in paid subscription streaming according to IFPI, the organisation that represents the recorded music industry worldwide. Figures released today in IFPI’s Global Music Report show total revenues for 2021 were US$25.9 Bn. Paid subscription streaming revenues increased by 21.9% US$12.3 Bn.  There were 523 million users of paid subscription accounts at the end of 2021. Total streaming (including both paid subscription and advertising-supported) grew by 24.3% […]

Shazam can now find concert tickets

Shazam can now find concert tickets

Shazam can now find concert tickets when you Shazam a song as part of its latest integration with Bandsintown. Shazam has launched a suite of concert features, making it easy for you to explore upcoming live shows at the drop of a hat. By simply Shazaming a song, searching for it in the Shazam app or on the Shazam website, fans can find concert information and tickets on sale for future gigs nearby, a full-stop experience […]

How do women across the globe find new music?

How do women across the globe find new music?

How do women across the globe find new music? was the question posed by YouGov as part of its ongoing research into the music industry. Data reveal that music apps such as Spotify are the most popular way to discover new tunes among women across the globe (36%), particularly in Mexico (where 56% of women said this) and APAC markets (44%). Social media is also a powerful platform for artists, as one third (34%) of […]