Qobuz launches on Samsung Smart TVs

Qobuz launches on Samsung Smart TVs

Qobuz launches on Samsung Smart TVs giving owners of Samsung Smart TVs in the 18 markets where Qobuz currently operates instant access to the streaming platform. In addition, the Galaxy Store will be featuring the Qobuz app as an Editor’s Choice within the smart TV App Store, putting it front-and-centre this month. The Qobuz app for the Samsung Smart TV platform, Tizen OS, will now reach over 190 million households in 197 countries around the […]

New MacBook Pro’s have built-in DACs

New MacBook Pro’s have built-in DACs

New MacBook Pro’s have built-in DACs (digital-to-analogue converter) built into MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021) and MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021) models supporting sample rates of up to 96kHz. These feature DACs that can convert up to 96kHz digital audio to analogue audio. You can connect an analogue device like headphones or speakers directly to the headphone jack on your Mac and monitor your audio at full resolution without needing an external DAC. To set the sample rate for […]